The H2020 I4MS program has been and continues to be a great success for the digital transformation of European manufacturing SMEs. Phase IV of the program focused on DIHs and highly innovative technologies such as digital twins and AI.
Now is the time to align these significant results with the evolution of manufacturing towards Industry 5.0, the shift from cloud-based AI technologies to cutting-edge Edge AI, the transition from H2020 to Horizon and Europe’s digital programs, and the development of EDIHs, data spaces, and AI TEFs (Test and Experimentation Facilities) for manufacturing.
The European project AI REDGIO 5.0 aims to continue this momentum in the adoption of AI technologies by manufacturing SMEs. AI REDGIO 5.0 seeks to renovate and expand the H2020 I4MS AI REGIO alliance between leading EU regions and DIHs for a competitive digital transformation of cutting-edge AI in Industry 5.0 SMEs.
The results of AI REGIO (methods and tools for DIH governance and collaboration between DIHs, Data Space and AI for Manufacturing toolbox, network of didactic factories and TERESA facilities, experiments conducted by SMEs in 14 leading regions) will be i) extended to Industry 5.0 principles, ii) made possible by the latest trusted technologies in the continuum from edge to cloud, iii) supported by European open-source hw/sw reference implementations, preserving EU values and ethical principles, iv) interconnected with the EDIH network in DEP as well as with AI TEF nodes and Data Spaces deployment program.
As part of this project, PERNOUD will experiment with the integration of AI into its industrial organization to enhance its agility. PERNOUD will be supported by POLYMERIS as well as various European experts.

AI REDGIO 5.0 is funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor HaDEA can be held responsible for them.
Name of the project: Regions and (E)DIHs alliance for AI-at-the-Edge adoption by European Industry 5.0 Manufacturing SMEs
Start/end: January 2023 / December 2025
EU Contribution: 7 462 614.00